Surviving Family Photos with a Toddler
I know what you're all thinking..."Family photos with a toddler? We'll be lucky to get them to be still, let alone smile!" Although these sessions tend to be more "exciting" than your typical photo session, it definitely can be done! I've had my fair share of family sessions with toddlers of all types of temperaments. The shy ones, the criers, the wild and spunky ones, you name it! And every time we managed to capture some priceless moments that the families adored.
I wanted to give you some tips that I've gathered to help you have the most successful family photo session you can with your little ones. Here we go!
1. Take Away the Complaints
Parents, this one is on you! When you arrive to get your photos done, your toddler will suddenly come up with any excuse that they can as to why they can't be still and smile. I'm sure you've heard a few of them:
"I'm hungry!" "It's too hot!" "I'm cold!" "I'm thirsty!" "This sweater is itchy!" "I'm so tried!" (They probably won't say that one...but their actions will!)
The number one way you can help yourself to have a smooth family portrait session is to take away the complaints. Just remember: Rested - Fed - Comfortable. If your toddler is well rested with a full belly and in clothes that they are comfortable in, you're off to a great start! Work with your photographer to find the best time for your child. I have found that mornings often work best for them. Of course, you can never guarantee that your toddler will actually sleep when they are supposed to, but do your best to work around typical nap times.
Try to feed them right before your session. If they have a full belly, they won't be as likely to complain that they are hungry! Always bring along some extra snacks and juice just in case.
As for comfort, I know that sometimes toddlers go a little crazy...what's just fine one day is the most terrible and restricting outfit they've ever worn the next day. Try to stay flexible and maybe pick out a couple of outfits that would work with your color scheme so you have a back-up plan if one outfit just won't do. Also, don't forget to bring along an extra sweater just in case it gets cold! I had one session where it literally dropped about 30 degrees in 30 minutes. Talk about a cold front! These things happen, so preparation is key.
When you take away as many potential complaints before you arrive, odds are things will go a lot smoother and your child will have a great time!
2. Get Them Comfortable with the Camera
Don't worry, this one's on me! When you first arrive, I will do my best to get your child comfortable with my camera. Odds are they've never seen a DSLR camera before. To them, it could look like this big, scary thing around my neck that we keep telling them to smile at! I will let them look at it up close, take a few photos of them and show them the back of the camera so they can see that it's just like your iPhone, only a bit bigger. Usually once they understand what my camera is and that it isn't something to be scared of, they relax very quickly.
3. Follow Their Lead
This is where the adventure begins! I will have several spots in mind at your chosen location, but sometimes we need to let the toddler call the shots. If they don't want to smile in the field but are just fine smiling by the fountain, to the fountain we go! I once had a little boy who was very upset when we tried to pose him and his brothers in front of a barn door. When we mentioned the train behind the barn, his little face lit up! He loved trains and was so excited to take photos next to the box car. I always look for beautiful lighting first, so I will throw out several suggestions of places I see that would work and see which one captivates your toddler. Most of the time at least one of my suggestions sounds interesting to them, because they really just want to feel like they have a bit of control in the situation.
4. Offer a Reward
Rewards work great for young kids. If your child isn't too excited to be taking pictures, offer something for them to get if they do well for the session. A trip to get ice cream, some time at the park, whatever it is that your child loves to do. It helps if it is something reserved for special occasions so they feel like it's a big deal. If they start to get fussy, remind them throughout the session of their reward and how close they are to getting it! That will help keep them on track. The faster they will smile and get great photos, the sooner they get their treat!
5. If All Else Fails...Bribe!
This one is key! If nothing else has worked and your toddler still won't cooperate, have some kind of candy or snack to bribe them with. Sometimes rewards are too far off for them and they need something more immediate. Even if that means for every smile they give me they get an M&M, do what you've got to do! I had a little girl once that wasn't excited at all to have her picture taken. It was surprising how quickly she perked up when she knew every time she took a good picture she'd receive a gummy! Suddenly we got lots of great smiles, and she started to have fun. Just bring a secret stash of bribe food and wait to bring it out until you've tried everything else.
Don't stress! Your family portrait session will go just fine. Just be flexible, trust me to get the shots, and enjoy this special time you'll have with your family. I am confident that we'll capture moments that you'll treasure forever!